Spearfish to the Canadian Border

Snow on the Ground the Evening we Arrived in Spearfish, SD Spearfish, Montana had been our destination for the evening before, which is not far from Sundance. We actually reserved a hotel that we had stayed at previously. It was rather cold in this area, as you can see from the pictures there is plenty of snow. High snow banks decorated the streets. When we checked into our Hotel the owner told me that just a ways from there the area received three feet of the white stuff in one sitting....ugh! Snow in Front of our Hotel Room Next morning we saw the beginnings of lilac blooms stopped by the snow and cold. We drove one not really knowing if we were in for winter or summer at my Sister’s. Antelope Grazing Buffalo Driving through some of the lesser populated states is not your typical drive. Usually you can stop at rest areas or service stations without much concern for planning, however, areas where there are few towns the...