Denver to Spearfish, South Dakota

Heading north to Canada we noticed a Costco that was built along the highway near Cheyenne, WY. We decided to stop after about a two hours drive. Just built in the perfect spot for a quick stop. Another odd difference between Mexico and the USA was the air conditioning situation. Often where we live in Mexico, including parts of Guadalajara that we have been to, there are not many air conditioners in public buildings. If there are air conditioners they are used occasionally. We noticed in the US that air conditioners are used frequently and in my estimation, not always necessarily needed. In several Costcos we were in, the air conditioning made the building extremely chilly. We did not even want to walk around because it was too cold. Even though there was snow on the ground the air in this Costco was being circulated and was cold. 

Once up and running again on the highway we certainly noticed how green the fields were in Wyoming. The ditches, etc were spotted with patches of snow. Even though we stopped in Cheyenne we were ahead of ourselves from past trips. Which means that often we were driving through certain areas in the dark but at this time we drive through in the light.  

I have to tell you a bit about Wyoming because it appeared to be a beautiful state. It is the second least densely populated state, preceded by Alaska and followed by Montana. Wyoming has unusual land formations, according to Wikipedia the state itself is a great plateau. Where we drove started out as plains with low lying cactus and grasslands. Then as we progressed the land became rockier and hilly with forests. We saw typical animals - deer and antelope. Lusk, WY was a stopping point for gas and leg stretching. We continued on to Sundance. This small Wyoming town was made famous when Robert Redford, who has a ranch nearby, hosted the Sundance Film Festival. 

Convenience Store in Lusk, WY



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